Wednesday 3/18: Rime Parts 5-6

* Open
  • Please add to your vocabulary:
    • Swound: (archaic) noun; a swoon
    • Shrieve: (archaic form of the modern "shrive") verb; to hear confession (of a person) OR to grant absolution (to a penitent) OR to impose penance (to a sinner)
  • Respond in your Journal: Rime of the Ancient Mariner
    • 2. In the Bible, is there ever a time when we learn that our prayers will be hindered by our actions?  Or that God does not listen to or says that he will not listen to a prayer?  Where?  How does that relate to the the prayers of the ancient Mariner?  Do you think God would ever refuse to hear someone's prayers today?
* Review question 1 and 2

HW: Study for the Quiz; halfway in senior project
  • Poetry Forms: Sonnet, Villanelle, and Triolet
  • Reading: Austen and Coleridge:  I am going to have you compare the narrative style and tone in a brief paragraph.
  • Vocabulary Lists 7-8

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