Honors Students

Hi friends,

I hope you've enjoyed a very merry Christmas.  But now what can fill the terrible void of two more weeks deprived of huge manatees?  I know!  Let's read something good.  Check the
 Honors Reading List.

Based on those who expressed direct interest and showed capacity to take on the extra work, our honors group will be the following:
  • Madison Courtney
  • Ezekiel Mata
  • Annalisa Matangelo
  • Lucan Schwager
Students taking the honors track need to attack one quarter 2 extra reading over Christmas break (if you did not already do so when I assigned this before Thanksgiving).  Students not taking the honors track should still consider reading an extra book(s) as they will help you grow in intelligence and academic prowess.
If anyone else not currently on the list is interested for consideration, please let me know.  These are the indicators to guide you:
  • You should have earned an A or B on the final exam, as semester 2 will have more testing for you than semester 1. 
  • You should have earned an A or B in both quarters. 
  • You should desire to read extra novels and take challenging, analytical tests. 
Thank you!

Mr. S