Surveys, Get Your Surveys!

* Open

* Party Goodness

* Surveys: Please take these surveys to help me and my deans judge, encourage, and improve my teaching.

* Class Discussion: Identity 

Do you think that the culture you have grown up in has sent you confusing signals
concerning your identity and direction? Explain.

● Anthony Esolen, as he concludes, says this: “[Children] need millstones to be in mills where they belong.” What is this alluding to from the Bible? Why is that allusion appropriate for his essay subject?

● Matthewes-Green tells us the main argument that people use in support of a gay identity. What is it? She then tells us what argument many conservatives use against a gay identity? What is that? Why does she say that both ​are “red herrings” (arguments that mislead or distract from a relevant or important issue)? What should we be asking instead?

● After having read these articles and considered a bit, is your understanding of identity better informed? Or do you just feel more confused? Explain.

● What does the Bible imply or directly state concerning identity to those who listen to and love God? To those who do not? Consider characters, teachings, and promises.

* STAR Test (Language Only)

  • Review for the Exam
  • Please Log Into Naviance to Take a Survey to Encourage and Improve Student Services.

You May Turn Your Paper Essay in On Friday


I had a couple of requests from those who were at the awards night to allow a Friday turn-in.  That is fine.  So I extended that to all students in period 4-7 to be fair.  You may turn in your paper on Friday, regardless of your class period. 

All the best,

Mr. S


  • We'll take the test on our party day.  Beat Mr. S for extra credit.  
  • Print Your Essay For Block Day
  • is online and ready to take your electronic copy
  • Signup and Bring Food, Drinks, or Basics (see the signup sheets in the post below)

Party Time is Excellent (Block Day)


* Open
* Essays, old and new
  • Odds and End from Matthewes-Green
  • Per. 3 begins after careerism
* Identity
  • Read the three essays by block day for discussion. 
* Senior Project Work

HW: Essay Work 

Chicks Ahoy!


Here we have two Ameraucanas (they lay the blue or green eggs), one Rhode Island Red, and one Barred Rock.  Did you know that mason jars screw into most generic food and water feeders?  I just learned that.

Out of My Class

Remember that early out of class opportunity to hear Dale Ahlquist speak?  Well, he's just published a new book.  Here is a link to a short interview in a Catholic magazine (America).  Enjoy!

Here is a link to the book

I hope you all grow up to read lots of G. K. Chesteron.  

Block Day

* Open

* Rough Draftiness

* Essay #1: Mattewes-Green

HW: Work On your FD, Due Next Block Day (We will introduce essay #2 on Mon. or Tue.)

What's Your View on Racism?

If you have time, please help bolster David Siemsen's sample set for his research survey:

Monday, 5/9

* Open

* AP: Don't forget your Out of Class Experience
  • Due Block Day, printed on paper or handwritten (see the right side of the blog under assignments for the instructions) 
    • Idea: Serve somewhere this week in a way directly related to your senior project. 
* Research Work

HW: Senior Project Essay

Block Day: AP

* Open
  • Did you mow down the AP exam...or were you mowed down by Marvell?

Final Exam Review

Essay: Senior Project Essay

  • If you opt out of the final exam (due to AP Test and/or grades), this will be your entire final exam score.

M.C.: For those who must (or wish to) take the full exam

  • Understanding Literature (study notes, terms, and consider them in the context of the poetry and stories you read)
  • Major Works (study the work and your note cards)
    • Pride and Prejudice (and note card)
    • The Importance of Being Earnest (and guide)

Good News (for a few): "The second semester final exam (S2 exam) is optional for all AP English Literature students who receive an A or B for all of the following: S1 exam, quarter 3 grade, and midterm 4 grade.  Students must print these three grades and bring them to class during the last midterm to be approved for S2 exam exemption."

Dual Credit Students: Your West Hills Grade is an Average Between S1 and S2.


Work on your Senior Project

Block: English IV

* Open

* Perrine’s Chapter 11: Musical Devices pp. 899 ff.

* HW: Senior Project

Poets in the Poetry Santa Cruz Anthology, 2016

Vile Tree

You are your Vile Tree.
Walking a little too tall, too straight
yet sedentary. 
You water it- habitually, constantly,
quenching thirst.
Nurtured by the most caring of hands,
Roots digging deeper with every thought
of its beauty, this Vile Tree.
Head held too high. Reaching its limbs
above our heads, missing the Heavens.
Rough edges built up,
more and more layers with each year,
smother the once selfless sprout.
Infinitely, more engrained in you
Your Vile Tree becomes.

                   -- Kimberly Sabsay



I smiled, 
for the man I loved
had given me a plant.

It grew for two months in secret,
but something happened,

I had a dream, 
a nightmare of sorts,
that the plant got no sun.

And therefore,
the secret two month life
of my plant was done.

I screamed aloud,
because this plant
had really grown on me.

It was a surprise,
yes of course.
But it made me happy.

The screams awoke me,
and I looked down,
but I did not cry at the blood.

God had told me already,
and I am telling you.
The life of my plant was done. 

                    -- Domenica Adamson


The Silent War

He left red scars
on my skin.
His words, smeared like blood,
across my soul.
The knives he left in my back,
he continued to twist.
This silent war raged on.

I hid my pain
beneath baggy sweaters
and processed beauty.
Clinging to the life I had left,
I watched as the rest crumbled
under his weight.
His army grew, mine dwindled.

Casualties from these battles
took their place
under six feet of dirt.
Whether by rope or razor,
he beat them down until
only brokenness remained.
Even the strongest soldiers feared him.

I trudged on
in this endless war;
a pointless effort it seemed.
But at last my tour was over.
I still have my battles to fight…
they come few and far in between,
but still he keeps his grip on me.

                     -- Shelby Baronia

Congratulations, ladies!

Wednesday, AP Tests, Work On Your Essay

* Open

* English IV and Non-AP Test Takers: Senior Project

HW: Work on Your Senior Project 
  • English IV: 2+ pages by block day

Tuesday, May 3

* Open

* AP: Review for the Exam
  • Key Terms
  • Sample Prompts and Essays
    • It's not enough to identify the term and quote.  You must tie that term (English sonnet, eerie tone, etc.) back to a central meaning or theme
    • For passage prompts, you must quote liberally (many short quotations).
  • Study Cards
  • AP M.C. Passages (from a test you've taken or the one you haven't)
  • Review Bedford possessive apostrophes and parts of speech. 

* English 4
  • Write 1/2 or more page (you will be at 1.5 page or more for tomorrow)

  • AP Study...and REST!
  • English 4: Write