Follow-up from Chapel

If you want to go through the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee, do so.  Or find another good way to get into God's word (such as just starting with any book...I suggest Mark, Proverbs, and Timothy).

Random fact: Both McGee and Peyton Manning have ties to Tennessee.

Inspirational Quote from Manning: "My faith has been number one since I was thirteen years old and heard from the pulpit on a Sunday morning in New Orleans a simple question: 'If you died today, are you one hundred percent sure you'd go to heaven,'" Manning wrote in [his autobiography].

"The minister invited those who would like that assurance through Jesus Christ to raise their hands, and I did. Then he invited us to come forward, to take a stand, and my heart really started pounding. And from where we sat, it looked like a mile to the front. And I committed my life to Christ, and that faith has been most important to me ever since," the quarterback added (The Christian Post, Feb. 8, 2016).