Summer Letter from Mr. Schwager

Dear students and parents,

I hope your summer has given you opportunities to rest, reflect, recreate, and read.

I write to make you aware of opportunities for class, college, and spiritual enrichment, should you be interested in such pursuits this month.

1. Class Advancement
2.  College (and class) Advancement
  • If you plan to attend a four-year college, you should prepare extensively in July and August.
  • Your first major quarter 1 assignment (in AP) will require you to research and write your college application essay.  Why not do that assignment (or get a BIG head start) this month?
3.  Spiritual Development
  • Why do we study?  We study to grow in wisdom.  What is the most profitable book to study to grow in wisdom?  God's Word.  By studying the Bible carefully, you encourage your faith (essential for eternity) and actually develop your close reading skills (essential for college).  But we are busy modern people: how do we get rich insights from challenging original languages (Hebrew and Greek) to arrive at thoughtful, seasoned applications?  One way is to walk though the Bible with the late Dr. J. Vernon McGee (a great pastor and Bible chair at Biola).  Via podcast, he will take you through the Bible in five years (about 20 min. per day).  Thus, if you start listening now, you will have considered every book of the Bible the same summer you graduate college.  We're in 1 John now, and it's rich!  Join me (you too, parents!):
  • If you miss a day or two, catch up, or just pick up where you are.  I know many of you will grow richly in God's grace if you use this podcast as a backbone of your Bible study. 
Feel free to email with any comments or questions:


Mr. Schwager

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