Sample Notes for a Blake Essay

William Blake's "The Chimney Sweeper" Poems (1789, 1794)

I. Sample Introduction:

Both poems by William Blake reflect on the unfortunate lives of young boys who are forced to work as chimney sweepers (what the poems have in common). Yet their (diction, imagery, point of view, tone) point of view and tone are quite different.  Whereas in the first poem, Blake (employs, projects, uses, develops, creates, illustrates, reveals) employs a speaker who is the innocent young chimney sweeper, producing a tone of naivete, in the second poem he (employs, projects, uses, develops, creates, illustrates, reveals) reveals the speaker to be a knowing adult who perceives the hypocrisy in society's abuse of the their own sons, producing a cynical tone.
II. Sample Body Thought and Development
III. Exercise in assertion, evidence, and analysis  
  •  What is this paragraph lacking?

IV. Read the first three example Blake essays (scoring 8, 6, and 4)

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