I Pronounce You Cat and Wife

Anna Reeves
AP English 404
Mr. Schwager
11 February 2014
The San Juan Enquirer: Cat and Wife

     BOULDER, CO. -- Since Monday a new peice of groundbreaking legislation, potentially legalizing the intermarriage of the human and feline species, has been pending passage.  A crowd has gathered outside of the town hall in Boulder to await the council's final decision. Members in support of the legislation, known as Cat-alysts, are hopeful that legislators will be sympathetic to their cause, freedom of marraige for all species. 

     Chelsea Darcy of Snowmass, Co. is active in the pro-cat movement, and present to demonstrate outside of town hall.
      " It's just so important to me that we should be able to love whoever we want to love, and that we shouldn't be discriminated against just because who we love happens to not be human. Today could be a victory for all of us who have had to face so many years of injustice."  Chelsea says. Chelsea has been dating her boyfriend, a cat named George, for eight years, and has yet to take a further step in their relationship as it is currently illegal. Chelsea says George has been the most understanding boyfriend she has ever had. George refused to comment.
     We have begun more and more frequently to hear accounts such as Chelsea's, and  are forced to wonder, are man and cat really made for each other? A recent Gallup poll tells us that 80% of women are more pleased with their cats than any other significant male humans in their lives, although it seems men are still more partial to their dogs. As we enquired after more of the pro-cat crowd in Boulder, the benefits of marrying your cat-friend seem manifold. One of the most significant points to consider is that of marriage expenses: arrangements, invitations, honeymoon, etc. In choosing to marry your cat, most of your friends and relatives will probably think you are insane or joking. This, obviously is great  because it means very few people would actually come to the wedding, and would relieve all of the stress of bridesmaids, emotionally unstable family members, flowers, a ridiculously expensive cake, and all of the other unnecessary details included in the typical wedding. A honeymoon could be forgone completely, because a cat would most likely sleep for most of the trip, and certainly would not enjoy the flight.  The expense of wedding clothes are also much cheaper if one of you happens to be a cat, as it requires about 1/8-1/16 of the fabric, of course depending on the cat's obesity level. There is already a market for cat wedding suits and gowns in anticipation of the installation of the new marriage law in Colorado. Entrepreneur Píerré Tousainté said in an interview with the Enquirer, " I am inspired by the beauty of the feline. In fact, my true love is my cat Fifi. I am so excited to unite my passion for the beautiful dress with my passion for the felines in my boutique,  Le Dress de Le Chat."
  Another benefit of a feline-human connexion is, in the case of a woman, a solution to the problem of  feeding the husband. A human husband of course would demand such delicacies as beer and bacon burgers, and fancy, expensive cooking equipment such as a grill, which are suitable only to men and manly purposes. A cat would never demand you make him a sandwich or buy him a special variety of wine and cheese for his birthday. In fact, a cat would not know it was his own birthday at all, and would be quite content with a can of dreadful-smelling brown mush. 
A woman would also be more easily inclined to take up a healthy lifestyle, because a cat would certainly not bring home a value pack of frosted sugar stuffed apple turnovers with extra frosting, or deep-fried Mac'n'Cheese bites wrapped in bacon.
     In the case of a man, a feline wife would be even more economical, as one could almost forgo building a kitchen completely, buy only a barbeque, and live off of hamburgers ribs, and the occasional vegetable. Anything else could of course be purchased pre-made, and dirty dishes could be stacked up to the ceiling without any complaints.
Our economists have calculated that the average woman would save $10,000 yearly and a man would save $20,000 yearly with a feline spouse.
     Lastly, and most importantly, a cat is an excellent source of moral support, a thoughtful listener, and an over-all considerate companion. In the time spent talking to the cat-lovers of Boulder, Colorado, many endearing stories of cats and their selfless devotion have been told.  Marcy Davis of Denver related one especially heartwarming tale.
     "I was having a terrible day, and got to bed pretty late. My kitty was tired too, after sleeping all day, but all the same he got up and caught a surprise for me. When he got back, I heard a strange noise coming from my bed, and what do you know!? He had brought me a bat! It was the most thoughtful thing anyone had done for me, and it made me realize we were meant to be together."
Now that is true love.
     Cats are, among so many other things, a constant comfort, a trusty alarm clock, when you need to wake up at three in the morning, a headwarmer on a cold night, or on an uncomfortably warm night, and sure to add some furry excitement to any boringly clean article of clothing left out for more than an hour. Who could ever need a better companion?
Marcy and many others  await the decision of the Colorado legislature in the hope that they will soon be able to be united officially with their loved ones, and that the era of cat-lover discrimination will be over for good.

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