Mr. Kirkendall: I am a Drummer

Prompt #2

Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or  experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it reflect who you are?

     I am a drummer. I find the beat and keep the beat. I provide structure, consistency, dynamics. I am responsible for the direction and flow of the song. I am a leader. The rest of the band follows my timing. I have power to control the direction and flow of the song. But I must remain the rhythmic backbone, the pillar, the crutch. I lead not by distinction or notability, but by being unnoticeable, by holding all the members in check.

     I am a servant. I do not play so that others may see my ability or skill. I play so that the song may be appreciated, so that the listener may lift a fist in inspiration. I lead by service.  Notoriety and fame are irrelevant to a true leader.I am a defender. Drumming requires determination, discipline, devotion: being a monolith of support to those around me. There is no compromise; I stand firm for my band members, my community, and myself.

     I am a drummer. Drumming provides meter, stability, rhythm. My life is consumed by this rhythm, this responsibility to my peers. I lead, serve, and defend not that others may see my leadership, my service, my defense; I do so by exalting others, that all may marvel at the glory, the resplendence of the final outcome. Drumming gives me drive, commitment, and an undertaking. In every moment I find the beat and keep the beat. Drumming is a model for my behavior: I defend, I serve, I lead.

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