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* Class Discussion: Identity 

Do you think that the culture you have grown up in has sent you confusing signals
concerning your identity and direction? Explain.

● Anthony Esolen, as he concludes, says this: “[Children] need millstones to be in mills where they belong.” What is this alluding to from the Bible? Why is that allusion appropriate for his essay subject?

● Matthewes-Green tells us the main argument that people use in support of a gay identity. What is it? She then tells us what argument many conservatives use against a gay identity? What is that? Why does she say that both ​are “red herrings” (arguments that mislead or distract from a relevant or important issue)? What should we be asking instead?

● After having read these articles and considered a bit, is your understanding of identity better informed? Or do you just feel more confused? Explain.

● What does the Bible imply or directly state concerning identity to those who listen to and love God? To those who do not? Consider characters, teachings, and promises.

* STAR Test (Language Only)

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