Monday, 11/3/14: I beg your Pardoner's tale?

* Open

       Read about noun phrases a bit.  Distinguish among noun phrases as subjects, objects, and subject complements. 

* Vocabulary Questions?

* Quo Vadis Reviewed
  •  Per. 4: Perspective in Gawain (Esolen reading)

* Chaucer
Journal 12, Part II "The Pardoner's Tale"
    • 3. How do the tavern knave and the publican personify Death? What does the rioters’ response to the description tell you? 
      4. What do you think the poor old man may symbolize
      5. Explain at least two instances of irony in this tale, at least one being situational irony and other being dramatic irony.
      6. Why is it ironic that the Pardoner preaches a story with this particular moral? How would you account for the psychology of the Pardoner: Is he truly evil, just drunk, or so used to cheating that he does it automatically? 
      7. What do you think Chaucer is satirizing in “The Pardoner’s Tale”? 
      8. How would the moral that the Pardoner wishes the audience to draw and the moral that Chaucer would hope the reader to draw differ?  Explain.

HW: Journal 12: "The Pardoner's Tale"; please bring a blanket or jacket to sit on tomorrow for chapel if you wish to be more comfortable (we're sitting on the gym lobby floor).  

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