All Hail Queen Karen!

Karen Rothschild
Mr. Schwager
English 404
8 March 2014
Quarter 3 CWP
            The ways of photography are ever-changing and ever-evolving. The way in which we communicate will never be the same. What we share and how we share it is forever changing. No longer must we be forced to take a picture and only hope it turns out to our liking after getting it developed. We can snap a picture any time, any day, and share it immediately. And what would we ever want to share besides pictures of ourselves! We change technology almost as much as technology changes us. Our lives are drawn around how we communicate with each other. We live in a land of vast communication. We can share every aspect of each moment of our lives. And how do we use these great opportunities to stay connected? With all of the blessings of our technology, we shall never forget what a friend’s face looks like. No longer will we ask ourselves what our old friends are up to, because we can simply scroll through one of our multitude of social media sources, and check out some of their recent pictures of themselves! Our generation has been blessed with the greatest invention of all time. This invention has been vastly improved with the development of the front-facing camera. Yet even before said development, we were not stopped! We call the new invention The Selfie. Selfies have taken off around the world, gaining great expanse of attention and even becoming an official Oxford Dictionary term! The dictionary definition runs: “A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website.” Selfies open up a whole new realm of photography. If one were to search “#Selfie,” a multitude of up close photos of peoples’ faces would surface. We can see face after face, and never run out. On Instagram alone, we are blessed with the opportunity to see over eighty-four million pictures under the tag Selfie. Selfies are a way of life that spans generational, national, and language borders.
            Selfies are often taken for granted. They are often thought of as simply another picture of someone’s face. But a great deal of attention goes into a quality Selfie. A quality Selfie doesn’t magically appear. Selfies take skill, repetition, and learning. Attention to detail is a must for the quality Selfie taker. He or she must take into consideration a variety of aspects. Natural lighting or fluorescent? How much face to body ratio to include in the picture? Whole face or partial face visible? To use a filter or to go all-natural? What caption will grab the readers’ attention? What time of day should said Selfie be uploaded? To use hashtags (a form of metadata tags to search through media) or to not use hashtags? What accessories to wear? What is the background? Is this an appropriate location to take pictures (i.e. not a bathroom)? How close to hold the camera? What face to make for the photo? To look at the camera or to look away? How should the camera be angled for the best possible looking version of my face? To capture the perfect Selfie, one must look at every aspect of the picture. It is often thought that Selfies are for lazy teenagers; yet in reality, Selfies are a science of their own.
            Selfies are a beautiful means of communication. Being face to face with another person is now possible at anytime. As the saying goes, “the eyes are the window to the soul,” and with Selfies, the windows never close. You can peer deep into the soul of a close friend or a total stranger. The possibilities are endless.
            The caption on the photo dives into even greater depths to better understand a person. The viewer can see the reason behind the Selfie. What drove that person to take that picture at that time? The Selfie taker can often be cryptic with the caption. What better way to show how dark and mysterious you are than by placing an irrelevant quotation next to a picture of yourself?
 Most often, song lyrics are used, and the mood of the song can help decipher what the Selfie is meant to mean. The meaning of the song may have nothing to do with the photo or the person, but it might simply be a popular song at the time. Selfies give you the opportunity to look at a person’s face whenever you please! In real life, it might be considered creepy to stare at a person’s face, but on the Internet, stare away! The person that uploaded the Selfie put it up with the intent for viewers to stare their eyes out! What a beautiful blessing, the gift of a photo of one’s face.  
With Selfies, one can share his or her face with the world at any time, any day. We are no longer burdened to by looking at pictures of people doing interesting things, or travelling the world, but rather we have the enjoyable chance to stare directly at their faces. Oh what a blessing! With Selfies, one can upload a radical picture of his or her face, and a completely relevant caption to go along with it! Our children and grandchildren will never have to wonder what we looked like as teenagers, because we make sure to have our faces in nearly every photo. The Selfie defines us. It is our window to creativity. The possibilities are endless. We can portray ourselves in different manners in order to manipulate how others view us! We can be who we want to be, or at least pretend to be. Taking and sharing Selfies is one of the greatest benefits our generation is able to bask in. Our generation is so poetic, taking lyrics from popular songs and using them to apply to our faces! Selfies most definitely show one’s true self!
            All of the vast technological advances have created a brighter future for the Selfie. The future is optimistic, and the Selfie is here to stay! What better way to express one’s self than a good old-fashioned Selfie! Selfies will sculpt this nation’s future. We must all work to open more Selfie opportunities for the generations to come. We have found the perfect means of communication. I am proud to be able to say that I grew up in the generation of the forever popular, Selfie!

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